YouTube, Digital Nomads, and The Idea of "Home"

YouTube, Digital Nomads, and The Idea of "Home"

This may come as no surprise to many, but within about two months my subscriber base on YouTube has made an incredible rise. I don’t pretend to be someone that had a plan, executed it, and am now on the “fast-track”, just a guy that’s excited to see it show the first roots growing from seed.

Over the past five years, I’ve been trying to learn about website basics, SEO, audio, video, podcasting, affiliate marketing, branding, and now creating content for an online audience. All the while feeling like I was paddling against a current that was too fast for me. Even with the small success of that, I’ve seen thus far, the motivation I kept having to restart feels like it’s back and here to stay.

On top of that, the community that has been built around it seems amazing. While most of the growth I’ve seen has been around my videos discussing Merida, the idea generally seems to be that the “business of travel” is a very intriguing prospect for multiple generations of people. Why wouldn’t it be? Buy a home in a dream location, and rent it to pay most (if not all) of the expenses for the home. It makes me think that in this new world where people realize just how efficient they can be working from home, that the idea that home has to be one house and one location may become a thing of the past.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand that the appeal of Home is might as well be built into our DNA. Even the most ardent believer in the Digital Nomad lifestyle has to admit that it’s nice to go home to see mom and dad, to celebrate Christmas in the room you grew up in. We all have that feeling in our hearts, but with the limited time we’re lucky enough to have on this planet it’s nice to see people changing the conversation of what “rich” actually means.

I’m excited to keep growing the channel, just to see where it might go. Every effort I’ve put into the last few years may finally come back and pay-off not only monetarily, but in a far more important way… there’s a chance I may actually love what I “do”. Of everything my online journey has taught me, it’s that those who pursue their passion over their payment, tend to be the ones that get the payment too. For now, I choose passion and will continue to do so… From This Day Until My Last Day.

Game of Thrones references come free here people!!


Merida: The One Square Block Tour

Merida: The One Square Block Tour